Short video and live streaming empower the digitalization of the elderly care industry: over 1.28 million silver-haired users earn income on Kuaishou
Jiefang Daily (解放日報):Short video and live streaming empower the digitalization of the elderly care industry: over 1.28 million silver-haired users earn income on Kuaishou
In recent years, China has made significant progress in promoting digital inclusivity for the senior citizens, aiming to create a more user-friendly internet environment that caters to their needs. Short video and live streaming platforms, represented by Kuaishou, have emerged as innovative mediums that offer the senior citizens with rich content and companionship, serving as new tools for social interaction, self-expression, and knowledge acquisition. According to the “2022 Kuaishou Seniors Content Ecosystem Report (《2022快手銀齡人群內容生態報告》)”, over 1.28 million senior users earn income through the Kuaishou platform in the first half of 2022.