This “Silent Live Streaming Room” helps over 3,000 hearing-impaired individuals break the silence and achieve employment dreams


Southern Metropolis Daily:This “Silent Live Streaming Room” helps over 3,000 hearing-impaired individuals break the silence and achieve employment dreams 

In China, there are approximately 20.54 million hearing-impaired individuals, with sign language and written text being their primary means of communication. With the emergence of the internet and short video platforms, online job searching has become more accessible for the hearing-impaired community. In Foshan, Guangdong Province, over the course of three years, more than 3,000 hearing-impaired individuals have found jobs through Xu Hui, a live streamer at Kuaishou who produces silent live streaming and short videos. These individuals come from all over the country, taking their first steps towards self-sufficient living and discovering a new world.