周首日 : 2024.12.16
日期 | 收盘价 | 成交量 | 拆股调整系数 | 开盘价 | 日內最高 | 当日最低 |
2024.12.16 | $45.00 | 36,946,944 | 1:1 | $46.50 | $46.55 | $44.75 |
2024.12.17 | $45.20 | 22,482,278 | 1:1 | $44.85 | $46.30 | $44.70 |
2024.12.18 | $45.60 | 14,453,420 | 1:1 | $45.80 | $46.00 | $45.40 |
2024.12.19 | $45.20 | 23,694,081 | 1:1 | $45.00 | $45.55 | $44.60 |
2024.12.20 | $42.75 | 84,367,587 | 1:1 | $45.05 | $45.35 | $42.65 |
NOTE: The Closing Price, Day's High, Day's Low, and Day's Volume have been adjusted to account for any stock splits and/or dividends which may have occurred for this security since the date shown. The Split Adjustment Factor is a cumulative factor which encapsulates all splits since the date shown. The closing price is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.
Minimum 15 minutes delayed. Source: LSEG